6 Effective Remedies For Earache

6 Effective Remedies For Earache. How many of us have not suffered from an earache? It is way too common among the young as well as the old. Earache can be very painful and can disrupt your daily schedule completely. The fact that most of the time such common ailments crop up when it is night and visiting the doctor is not a possibility makes it all the more important to find some effective home remedies that can be used at least until a doctor’s help is near.

Home Remedies For Earache

Remedies For Earache

Earache Remedies – Causes

An earache is mostly caused when there is an infection inside the ear. This infection can be triggered due to foreign particles entering the ear, swelling of the eardrum, tinnitus etc. Some of the best home remedies for earache are discussed below.

6 Remedies For Earache

1.Remedies For Earache – Garlic And Sesame Oil

Take 3-4 cloves of garlic. Add some sesame oil in a pan and add the garlic cloves in it. Heat the mixture for about 5 minutes in a low flame. Strain the oil and cool it before applying inside the ear. Using an eye dropper, put 3-4 drops into the ear by keeping the infected ear in an upward position. Hold the ear up for 10 minutes so that the oil trickles down the ear and exerts its action. Within a few minutes the pain will subside.

2.Holy Basil To Treat Earache

Take some fresh leaves of holy basil and grind them to form a paste. Take a pan and warm the mixture. Continue this until some oil rises up from the holy basil paste. Strain and extract this oil and store it in an airtight glass container. Now using an eye dropper, put 3-4 drops inside the infected ear. Holy basil has wonderful antibacterial qualities which can remove ear infections and pain in an instant.

3.Mango Leaves To Treat Earache

A juice extracted from the leaves of mango tree can be used for treating earaches. Take some mango leaves and crush them to extract the juice. This juice has to be heated in a low flame for a few minutes. Allow it to cool to room temperature and apply 3-4 drops into the ear that pains. Your earache will be gone within seconds of application.

4.Licorice And Ghee To Treat Earache

Take some licorice root powder and add some ghee to it. Mix well and apply on the external parts and behind the ear. Massage gently so that the skin absorbs the paste well. This is known to cure earache in many people.

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5.Radish To Treat Earache

Take a radish and clean thoroughly before grating it. Once grated, take a clean cotton cloth and tie the grated radish inside. Squeeze the juice out from the grated pieces. Take a pan and heat the juice in a low flame for 2-3 minutes. Let it cool. Take an eye dropper and put a few drops inside the ear. Allow it to stay for 15 minutes by keeping your ear opening in an upwards direction.

6.Ginger To Treat Earache

Ginger is used for all kinds of pain relief. Grind some ginger and squeeze out the juice through a clean cotton cloth. Heat the juice slightly and allow it to cool. Pour 2-3 drops in the ear when you have earache. This will remove your earache.

Earache Remedies – Disclaimer

The information included at this medishorts.com site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation. Thanks for understanding !

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