7 Effective Remedies for Stomach Pain

Effective Remedies for Stomach Pain. Stomach pain is something we have all experienced. Pain in the stomach can be caused due to a number of reasons. Sometimes indigestion or swallowing of food is enough to cause your stomach to protest and create unbearable pain. Many women experience stomach pain on a monthly basis every time they have their menstrual cycles.

Home Remedies for Stomach Pain

Remedies for Stomach Pain

Stomach Pain Remedies – Causes

Infections of the intestine and sometimes diseases of the digestive tract can also cause stomach pain. Last but not the least, a stomach pain could also be due to something as serious as cancer or a heart attack. When you are faced with stomach pain, do not run to the doctor for a series of tests and medications to be administered. Just take a look at these natural remedies.

7 Remedies for Stomach Pain

1.Remedies for Stomach Pain – Ginger

    Ginger is one of the best remedies for stomach pain and one of the most commonly used as well. Chew a piece of ginger as soon as you feel pain, be it connected to any diseases or disorder. Ginger is effective in most cases of stomach pain. For external application, fresh ginger juice can be mixed with some olive or coconut oil and massaged onto the stomach. The oil is for facilitating greater absorption.


      Soda water is a great remedy for curing stomach pains that are associated with trapping of gas inside the stomach. Drink a glass of soda water if you cannot initiate a burp. Within a few seconds, you will start belching, thus removing all the gas inside the stomach.

      3.Castor Oil

        One tablespoon of castor oil can be mixed with one teaspoon of ginger juice and taken along with a glass of warm water when you have severe stomach pain. Castor oil can be taken two times in a day. This will get rid of stomach pain in a few hours.


          A juice extracted from the leaves of celery can be mixed with some rock salt and taken immediately when you feel stomach pain. This will relieve the pain instantly. You can drink this juice once more to ensure that the pain is gone forever. Take 2-3 times a day if you have persistent stomach pain.

          5.Fenugreek And Curd

            Grind some fenugreek seeds to make a paste. Take a cup of curd and add this paste to the curd. This can be taken every few hours to stop your stomach pain. Fenugreek has many medicinal properties and puts an end to stomach pain fast.

            Remedies for Stomach Pain

            6.Lime And Mint Juice

              Take equal amounts of mint and lime juice and add some ginger juice and a pinch of black salt. Take this concoction 2-3 times a day and your stomach pain will be relieved in a day.


              Pomegranates are very good for stomach related problems and stomach pain. Take pomegranate along with some salt and some pepper powder sprinkled on it. Chew well and crush the seeds in your mouth while taking it. This will put an end to stomach pain.

              If your stomach pain is still very severe and persistent, do not wait for trying any more home remedies. Seek medical attention as it could be serious.

              Stomach Pain Remedies – Disclaimer

              The information included at this medishorts.com site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation. Thanks for understanding !

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